Installing Promethean ActivInspire

This article is part of Interactive whiteboard software testing series. From this software trio, Promethean offers perhaps the most sophisticated method for delivering their software. ActivInspire can be installed through Promethean’s own Ubuntu repository...

Installing Dymo MimioStudio

This article is part of Interactive whiteboard software testing series. Dymo provides a deb package of their MimioStudio software for Ubuntu. Therefore the installation was fairly straightforward and here’s what I did after downloading the package. Deb -package...

Installing Cleverboard Lynx 4

This article is part of Interactive whiteboard software testing series. If ActivInspire was most sophisticated then Lynx 4 has the most exotic installation package. It mainly reminds me of the way things are done with Windows, as the software is distributed as a...

Älytauluohjelmistojen asennus Ubuntuun

Älytaululaitteiden saapumista odotellessa testasimme niiden ohjelmistojen asentamista peruskäyttäjän näkökulmasta. Tavoitteenamme oli alustavasti tutustua ohjelmiin ja samalla saada tietoa millaisia ongelmia tavallisella Ubuntukäyttäjällä voisi ohjelmien kanssa tulla...