User management rethought

A quick search on returns tens of user management systems for linux. Quite a few of them are based on ldap and many manage the old /etc/passwd -file, some are built on completely different principles. Many of these tools seem to have one thing in common...

Shared and personal laptops in schools

Laptops are now getting to be the norm when buying a new computer for home usage and also we here at Opinsys are getting a lot of questions about laptops and how to run linux on them. Although the schools’ ltsp environments are running great, thin clients are...

Automatic ltsp thin client shutdown

A common problem with ltsp thin clients seems to be getting them to shutdown automatically for the night. There are various methods that include shutdown commands run from cron and daemons listening for remote commands. Both of the methods do work, but purely time...

Debugging freezing ltsp terminals

This article documents the steps taken with Ubuntu 8.04 and LTSP5 to do kernel debugging using a null-modem serial connection. We have been experiencing random lock-ups on some ltsp thin clients There have been posts about random lock-ups on ltsp mailing lists and on...