Setting up NFSv4+Kerberos+Autofs5-ldap on Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 (Lucid), part 7

After getting NFSv4 working, it’d be of course nice to automatically mount the nfs exported home directories. In this part I’m going through the steps to get school specific home directories mounted from a central server. Using autofs is an alternative to defining the mounted directories in /etc/fstab. It mounts the directories automatically when they are needed instead of doing it at boot time.After getting NFSv4 working, it’d be of course nice to automatically mount the nfs exported home directories. In this part I’m going through the steps to get school specific home directories mounted from a central server. Using autofs is an alternative to defining the mounted directories in /etc/fstab. It mounts the directories automatically when they are needed instead of doing it at boot time.After getting NFSv4 working, it’d be of course nice to automatically mount the nfs exported home directories. In this part I’m going through the steps to get school specific home directories mounted from a central server. Using autofs is an alternative to defining the mounted directories in /etc/fstab. It mounts the directories automatically when they are needed instead of doing it at boot time.

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Setting up NFSv4+Kerberos on Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 (Lucid), part 6

Next it’s time to finally get files moving between the servers. For this we use NFSv4 that supports kerberos out-of-the-box also in Ubuntu. This part is based on the newest Lucid packages in the repositories, which should be pretty close to alpha 3 now.Next it’s time to finally get files moving between the servers. For this we use NFSv4 that supports kerberos out-of-the-box also in Ubuntu. This part is based on the newest Lucid packages in the repositories, which should be pretty close to alpha 3 now.Next it’s time to finally get files moving between the servers. For this we use NFSv4 that supports kerberos out-of-the-box also in Ubuntu. This part is based on the newest Lucid packages in the repositories, which should be pretty close to alpha 3 now.

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Setting up OpenLDAP+Kerberos on Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 (Lucid), part 5 – DNS settings

Kerberos requires every client to know where the server is located. This can be done either by using /etc/krb5.conf file or using DNS to distribute the information. Using DNS makes it easier to do changes in the network settings as not every client needs to be updated. Next we aim to minimize the amount of configuration needed for every client so configuring DNS properly is a logical first step.Kerberos requires every client to know where the server is located. This can be done either by using /etc/krb5.conf file or using DNS to distribute the information. Using DNS makes it easier to do changes in the network settings as not every client needs to be updated. Next we aim to minimize the amount of configuration needed for every client so configuring DNS properly is a logical first step.Kerberos requires every client to know where the server is located. This can be done either by using /etc/krb5.conf file or using DNS to distribute the information. Using DNS makes it easier to do changes in the network settings as not every client needs to be updated. Next we aim to minimize the amount of configuration needed for every client so configuring DNS properly is a logical first step.

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Eikä siinä vielä kaikki!

"Eikä siinä vielä kaikki!" -huudahduksella ylistetään ostosteeveen tuotteiden loputtomia lisäominaisuuksia. Nyt on aika tehdä sama Opinsysin linux-pääteratkaisusta. Tässä siis listattuna asiakkallamme hyödynnettävissä olevia ominaisuuksia, jotka tulevat...

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Webinaari LTSP-ratkaisun valintaperusteista 18.2 – Case Kemi

18.2 järjestetään webinaari koulujen linux-ratkaisuihin liittyen. Suomen avoimen lähdekoodin keskuksen (COSS:in) oppilaitoksiin erikoistunut siipi EduCOSS järjestää 18.2 webinaarin teemalla "Minkälaiseen LTSP-ratkaisuun Kemi on päätymässä?".  Lisätietoja ja...

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Setting up OpenLDAP+Kerberos on Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 (Lucid), part 4

After getting OpenLDAP running properly and the schemas in place, the next step is to get Kerberos and AutoFS running on top of it to enable centrally managed automatic NFSv4+kerberos mounts to user home directories. Here we setup kerberos using OpenLDAP as the backend to store the principals. This allows one to easily replicate the data to slave servers.After getting OpenLDAP running properly and the schemas in place, the next step is to get Kerberos and AutoFS running on top of it to enable centrally managed automatic NFSv4+kerberos mounts to user home directories. Here we setup kerberos using OpenLDAP as the backend to store the principals. This allows one to easily replicate the data to slave servers.After getting OpenLDAP running properly and the schemas in place, the next step is to get Kerberos and AutoFS running on top of it to enable centrally managed automatic NFSv4+kerberos mounts to user home directories. Here we setup kerberos using OpenLDAP as the backend to store the principals. This allows one to easily replicate the data to slave servers.

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Setting up OpenLDAP on Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 (Lucid), part 3

In this part I’m setting up ldap schemas for samba, autofs and kerberos. This is needed before the actual configuration for these can be done. Unfortunately I could not find ldif files for OpenLDAP for these, so the schema files need to be converted to ldif files. The tutorial at instructs to use the slaptest tool for this.In this part I’m setting up ldap schemas for samba, autofs and kerberos. This is needed before the actual configuration for these can be done. Unfortunately I could not find ldif files for OpenLDAP for these, so the schema files need to be converted to ldif files. The tutorial at instructs to use the slaptest tool for this.In this part I’m setting up ldap schemas for samba, autofs and kerberos. This is needed before the actual configuration for these can be done. Unfortunately I could not find ldif files for OpenLDAP for these, so the schema files need to be converted to ldif files. The tutorial at instructs to use the slaptest tool for this.

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Kärkikoulut esillä Educa 2010 messuilla

Arjen tietoyhteiskunnan neuvottelukunta ja Opetushallitus sekä lukuisat muut toimijat  ovat Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka koulun arjessa – hankkeessa kehittämässä tulevaisuuden koulun toimintamalleja.  Käytännössä Opinsysin osastolla 1c20 messuilla on kaksi kärkikoulua...

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Setting up OpenLDAP on Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 (Lucid), part 2

After getting OpenLDAP running, the next step is to get TLS authentication working. There are various tutorials around the net telling how to make self-signed certificates using openssl. Googling reveals quite a few problems with using self-signed certificates created with openssl with debian’s and ubuntu’s slapd that uses gnutls. For this example I’ll use the certtool that comes with the gnutls-bin.After getting OpenLDAP running, the next step is to get TLS authentication working. There are various tutorials around the net telling how to make self-signed certificates using openssl. Googling reveals quite a few problems with using self-signed certificates created with openssl with debian’s and ubuntu’s slapd that uses gnutls. For this example I’ll use the certtool that comes with the gnutls-bin.After getting OpenLDAP running, the next step is to get TLS authentication working. There are various tutorials around the net telling how to make self-signed certificates using openssl. Googling reveals quite a few problems with using self-signed certificates created with openssl with debian’s and ubuntu’s slapd that uses gnutls. For this example I’ll use the certtool that comes with the gnutls-bin.

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Pingviinit pesiytyvät Suomen kouluihin

Linux-pingviini on yhä useampien koulujen valinta tietokoneidensa käyttöjärjestelmäksi. Kunnat saavat linux-pohjaisella järjestelmällä kustannussäästöjä, vaivattoman ylläpidon sekä pidemmän käyttöiän yksittäisille työasemille. Tuoreimmat havainnot linux-pingviinien...

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