Interactive whiteboard software comparison

The past days have been spent on test preparations. We have been doing first test installations and finding out how the accompanying software works for each of the interactive whiteboards. The installations have been done on stock Ubuntu 10.04 LTS setup. We have been...

Interactive whiteboards and linux

Interactive whiteboards have been coming to classrooms for some years already and here at Opinsys we’ve seen the growing interest towards their linux compatibility. The situation for schools using linux is challenging as there is not much information available...

Syksyn kehityssatoa: Puavo ja uudet Ubuntut

Syksy on ollut julkisuudessa Opinsysin tuetekehityksen osalta hiljaiseloa, mutta ruutujen takana on uurastettu useammankin isomman päivityksen kimpussa. Päivitystä on tulossa laitetukeen, loppukäyttäjille näkyvään työpöytään ja sen ominaisuuksiin, sekä...

Puavo’s organisation model

There are many system management tools that provide user and device management for linux systems, but most of tools are built on the assumption that all data belongs to a single organisation like a company or a school district. Managing user databases for two school...